A tagset is a list of part-of-speech tags (POS tags for short), i.e. labels used to indicate the part of speech and sometimes also other grammatical categories (case, tense etc.) of each token in a text corpus.

Turkish PoS tagset

This Turkish part-of-speech tagset is available in Turkish corpora annotated by the tool TRmorph – a free morphological analyzer for Turkish.

An Example of a tag in the CQL concordance search box: [tag=".*"] finds all nouns, e.g. çoğu, yapmayı (note: please make sure that you use straight double quotation marks)

Part-of-speech tagset

Part of speech PoS tag
adjective ].*
adverb ].*
conjunction ].*
determiner ].*
Interjection ].*
noun ].*
numeral ].*
Onomatopoeia ]
postposition ].*
pronoun ].*
The words var and yok ].*
verb ].*


Nominal categories

Function surface tag
First person singular -(I)m
Second person singular -(I)n
Third person singular -(s)I
First person plural -(I)mIz
Second person plural -(I)nIz
Third person plural -lArI
Accusative -(y)I
Dative -(y)A
Ablative -DAn
Locative -DA
Genitive -(n)In
Instrumental/commutative -(y)lA


Proper noun
Abbreviated proper noun


Proper noun
Abbreviated proper noun

Verbal categories

Suffixes making compound verbs
Express Tag Suffix
ability ] -(y)Abil
immediacy ] -(y)Iver
habitual ] -(y)Agel
repetition/continuity ] -(y)Adur
almost ] -(y)Ayaz
stop/freeze in action ] -(y)Akal
somewhat like ] -(y)Agör
Other verbal categories
causative ]
generalizing modality marker ]
negative ]
passive ]
question ]
reciprocal ]
reflexive ]

Other verbal categories

causative ]
generalizing modality marker ]
negative ]
passive ]
question ]
reciprocal ]
reflexive ]

Tense/aspect/modality markers

Express Tag Suffix
evidential past (perfective) ] #NÁZEV?
future ] -(y)AcAk
obligative ] #NÁZEV?
imperfective ] #NÁZEV?
imperfective ] -(I)yor
past (perfective) ] #NÁZEV?
conditional ] -sA,-(y)A
optative ] -(y)A
imperative ]
aorist ] -Ar,-Ir,-z,-


adjectival phrase / adverbial phrase

postpositions with ablative complement <.>