A tagset is a list of part-of-speech tags (POS tags for short), i.e. labels used to indicate the part of speech and sometimes also other grammatical categories (case, tense etc.) of each token in a text corpus.

SPOOK morphosyntactic specifications

The English tagset of SPOOK morphosyntactic specifications is available in the English-Montenegrin parallel corpus. It was developed by Tomaž Erjavec Dept. of Knowledge Technologies Jožef Stefan Institute.

The following table shows SPOOK morphosyntactic specifications for English.

An Example of a tag in the CQL concordance search box: [tag="Nc-s"] finds all nouns common singular, e.g. time, case, way (note: please make sure that you use straight double quotation marks)

Basic notation

Description PoS tag
Abbreviation Y.*
Adjective A.*
Adverb R.*
Article T.*
Conjunction C.*
Interjection I.*
Noun N.*
Noun common Nc.*
Noun proper Np.*
Numeral M.*
Particle Q.*
Preposition S.*
Pronoun P.*
Residual X.*
Verb V.*

Detailed notation

English Noun

Specification for English Noun
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (sl) Value (sl) Code (sl)
0 CATEGORY Noun N besedna_vrsta samostalnik S
1 Type common c vrsta občno_ime o
proper p lastno_ime l
3 Number singular s število ednina e
plural p množina m Morphosyntactic descriptions
MSD table
MSD (sl) Features (sl) MSD (en) Features (en) TreeTagger Description Examples of use
So-e samostalnik vrsta=občno_ime število=ednina Nc-s Noun Type=common Number=singular NN Noun common singular time, man, way, head, something, hand, room, door, nothing
So-m samostalnik vrsta=občno_ime število=množina Nc-p Noun Type=common Number=plural NNS Noun common plural eyes/eye, people, things/thing, ‘i, years/year, men/man, feet/foot, hands/hand, words/word
Sl-e samostalnik vrsta=lastno_ime število=ednina Np-s Noun Type=proper Number=singular NP Proper noun singular Harry, Langdon, Ron, Dumbledore, Sophie, Hermione, Samad, Archie, Stefan
Sl-m samostalnik vrsta=lastno_ime število=množina Np-p Noun Type=proper Number=plural NPS Proper noun plural Dursleys/Dursley, Harrys/Harry, Fords, Brothers, States, Jews, Muslims, Catholics, Americans

3.2.4. English Verb

Specification for English Verb
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (sl) Value (sl) Code (sl)
0 CATEGORY Verb V besedna_vrsta glagol G
1 Type modal o vrsta naklonski n
2 VForm base b oblika osnovna_oblika o
indicative i povednik i
participle p deležnik d
3 Tense present p čas sedanjik s
past s preteklik r
4 Person third 3 oseba tretja t
5 Number singular s število ednina e Morphosyntactic descriptions
MSD table
MSD (sl) Features (sl) MSD (en) Features (en) TreeTagger Description Examples of use
G-o glagol oblika=osnovna_oblika V-b Verb VForm=base VB Verb, base form be, have, see, do, go, get, know, tell, take
G-is glagol oblika=povednik čas=sedanjik V-ip Verb VForm=indicative Tense=present VBP Verb, non-3rd person singular present do, are/be, have, ‘re/be, ‘m/be, know, ‘ve/have, think, am/be
G-iste glagol oblika=povednik čas=sedanjik oseba=tretja število=ednina V-ip3s Verb VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=third Number=singular VBZ Verb, 3rd person singular present is/be, ‘s/be, has/have, does/do, says/say, ‘s/have, knows/know, seems/seem, comes/come
G-ir glagol oblika=povednik čas=preteklik V-is Verb VForm=indicative Tense=past VBD Verb, past tense was/be, had/have, said/say, were/be, did/do, looked/look, came/come, thought/think, seemed/seem
G-ds glagol oblika=deležnik čas=sedanjik V-pp Verb VForm=participle Tense=present VBG Verb, gerund or persent participle going/go, looking/look, being/be, trying/try, doing/do, coming/come, taking/take, sitting/sit, saying/say
G-dr glagol oblika=deležnik čas=preteklik V-ps Verb VForm=participle Tense=past VBN Verb, past participle been/be, got/get, seen/see, come, done/do, gone/go, made/make, left/leave, taken/take
Gn glagol vrsta=naklonski Vo Verb Type=modal MD Modal verb could, would, will, can, ‘ll/will, must, should, might, ‘d/will

3.2.5. English Adjective

Specification for English Adjective
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (sl) Value (sl) Code (sl)
0 CATEGORY Adjective A besedna_vrsta pridevnik P
2 Degree positive p stopnja nedoločeno n
comparative c primernik p
superlative s presežnik s Morphosyntactic descriptions
MSD table
MSD (sl) Features (sl) MSD (en) Features (en) TreeTagger Description Examples of use
P-n pridevnik stopnja=nedoločeno A-p Adjective Degree=positive JJ Adjective other, little, good, last, old, long, own, great, first
P-p pridevnik stopnja=primernik A-c Adjective Degree=comparative JJR Adjective comparative more, better/good, worse/bad, further, less, older/old, easier/easy, lower/low, younger/young
P-s pridevnik stopnja=presežnik A-s Adjective Degree=superlative JJS Adjective superlative least, most, best/good, worst/bad, greatest/great, latest/late, nearest/near, oldest/old, highest/high

3.2.6. English Pronoun

Specification for English Pronoun
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (sl) Value (sl) Code (sl)
0 CATEGORY Pronoun P besedna_vrsta zaimek Z
1 Type personal p vrsta osebni o
possessive s svojilni s
2 Wh_pronoun wh w zaimek_wh wh w Morphosyntactic descriptions
MSD table
MSD (sl) Features (sl) MSD (en) Features (en) TreeTagger Description Examples of use
Zo zaimek vrsta=osebni Pp Pronoun Type=personal PP Personal pronoun he, I, it, you, they, she, him, we, them
Zow zaimek vrsta=osebni zaimek_wh=wh Ppw Pronoun Type=personal Wh_pronoun=wh WP Wh-pronoun (what, who, whom) what, who, What, whom, whoever, whomever
Zs zaimek vrsta=svojilni Ps Pronoun Type=possessive PP$ Possessive pronoun his, her, my, their, your, its, our, yours
Zsw zaimek vrsta=svojilni zaimek_wh=wh Psw Pronoun Type=possessive Wh_pronoun=wh WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun whose

3.2.7. English Determiner

Specification for English Determiner
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (sl) Value (sl) Code (sl)
0 CATEGORY Determiner D besedna_vrsta določilnik I
1 Type general g vrsta splošni s
wh w wh w
predeterminer p predčlen p Morphosyntactic descriptions
MSD table
MSD (sl) Features (sl) MSD (en) Features (en) TreeTagger Description Examples of use
Is določilnik vrsta=splošni Dg Determiner Type=general DT Determiner the, a, this, that, an, no, all, some, any
Iw določilnik vrsta=wh Dw Determiner Type=wh WDT Wh-determiner (which, that as a rel. pronoun) that, which, whatever, what, whichever
Ip določilnik vrsta=predčlen Dp Determiner Type=predeterminer PDT Predeterminer all, such, half, All, quite, Quite

3.2.8. English Adverb

Specification for English Adverb
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (sl) Value (sl) Code (sl)
0 CATEGORY Adverb R besedna_vrsta prislov R
1 Type general g vrsta splošni s
existential_there t there_obstoja t
wh w wh w
2 Degree positive p stopnja nedoločeno n
comparative c primernik r
superlative s presežnik s Morphosyntactic descriptions
MSD table
MSD (sl) Features (sl) MSD (en) Features (en) TreeTagger Description Examples of use
Rsn prislov vrsta=splošni stopnja=nedoločeno Rgp Adverb Type=general Degree=positive RB Adverb not, n’t, then, now, so, just, back, as, again
Rsr prislov vrsta=splošni stopnja=primernik Rgc Adverb Type=general Degree=comparative RBR Adverb comparative more, later, better/well, longer, less, earlier, further, closer, sooner
Rss prislov vrsta=splošni stopnja=presežnik Rgs Adverb Type=general Degree=superlative RBS Adverb superlative most, best/well, least, hardest, earliest, highest, Worst
Rt prislov vrsta=there_obstoja Rt Adverb Type=existential_there EX Existential “there” there, There
Rw prislov vrsta=wh Rw Adverb Type=wh WRB Wh-adverb when, where, how, why, How, whenever, wherever, whereby, Whenever

3.2.9. English Adposition

Specification for English Adposition
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (sl) Value (sl) Code (sl)
0 CATEGORY Adposition S besedna_vrsta predlog D
1 Type preposition p vrsta predlog p
possesive_ending s svojilna_končnica s
to o to t Morphosyntactic descriptions
MSD table
MSD (sl) Features (sl) MSD (en) Features (en) TreeTagger Description Examples of use
Dp predlog vrsta=predlog Sp Adposition Type=preposition IN Preposition or Subordinating conjunction of, in, on, with, for, at, that, as, from
Ds predlog vrsta=svojilna_končnica Ss Adposition Type=possesive_ending POS Possesive ending ‘s, ’s/’s
Dt predlog vrsta=to So Adposition Type=to TO “to” to, To, TO

3.2.10. English Conjunction

Specification for English Conjunction
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (sl) Value (sl) Code (sl)
0 CATEGORY Conjunction C besedna_vrsta veznik V
1 Type coordinating c vrsta priredni p Morphosyntactic descriptions
MSD table
MSD (sl) Features (sl) MSD (en) Features (en) TreeTagger Description Examples of use
Vp veznik vrsta=priredni Cc Conjunction Type=coordinating CC Coordinating conjunction and, but, or, both, nor, yet, neither, either, &

3.2.11. English Numeral

Specification for English Numeral
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (sl) Value (sl) Code (sl)
0 CATEGORY Numeral M besedna_vrsta števnik K
2 Type cardinal c vrsta glavni g Morphosyntactic descriptions
MSD table
MSD (sl) Features (sl) MSD (en) Features (en) TreeTagger Description Examples of use
K-g števnik vrsta=glavni M-c Numeral Type=cardinal CD Cardinal number one, two, three, four, One, five, ten, hundred, six

3.2.12. English Particle

Specification for English Particle
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (sl) Value (sl) Code (sl)
0 CATEGORY Particle Q besedna_vrsta členek L Morphosyntactic descriptions
MSD table
MSD (sl) Features (sl) MSD (en) Features (en) TreeTagger Description Examples of use
L členek Q Particle RP Particle out, up, down, off, over, around, on, away, in

3.2.13. English Interjection

Specification for English Interjection
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (sl) Value (sl) Code (sl)
0 CATEGORY Interjection I besedna_vrsta medmet M Morphosyntactic descriptions
MSD table
MSD (sl) Features (sl) MSD (en) Features (en) TreeTagger Description Examples of use
M medmet I Interjection UH Interjection yes, oh, Well, No, Yeah, no, please, ah, well

3.2.14. English Abbreviation

Specification for English Abbreviation
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (sl) Value (sl) Code (sl)
0 CATEGORY Abbreviation Y besedna_vrsta okrajšava O Morphosyntactic descriptions
MSD table
MSD (sl) Features (sl) MSD (en) Features (en) TreeTagger Description Examples of use

3.2.15. English Residual

Specification for English Residual
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (sl) Value (sl) Code (sl)
0 CATEGORY Residual X besedna_vrsta neuvrščeno N
1 Type foreign f vrsta tujejezično j
list_item m postavka_seznama z
symbol s simbol s Morphosyntactic descriptions
MSD table
MSD (sl) Features (sl) MSD (en) Features (en) TreeTagger Description Examples of use
Nj neuvrščeno vrsta=tujejezično Xf Residual Type=foreign FW Foreign word de, etc., me, la, le, en, se, masse, di
Nz neuvrščeno vrsta=postavka_seznama Xm Residual Type=list_item LS List item marker 1, b, c, 2, f, 5, d, 3
Ns neuvrščeno vrsta=simbol Xs Residual Type=symbol SYM Symbol

3.2.16. Attribute Index for English Table of attributes
Attribute (en) Category (en) Attribute (sl) Category (sl) Position
Degree Adjective stopnja pridevnik 2
Degree Adverb stopnja prislov 2
Number Noun število samostalnik 3
Number Verb število glagol 5
Person Verb oseba glagol 4
Tense Verb čas glagol 3
Type Adjective vrsta pridevnik 1
Type Adposition vrsta predlog 1
Type Adverb vrsta prislov 1
Type Conjunction vrsta veznik 1
Type Determiner vrsta določilnik 1
Type Noun vrsta samostalnik 1
Type Numeral vrsta števnik 2
Type Pronoun vrsta zaimek 1
Type Residual vrsta neuvrščeno 1
Type Verb vrsta glagol 1
VForm Verb oblika glagol 2
Wh_pronoun Pronoun zaimek_wh zaimek 2

3.2.17. Value Index for English Table of values
Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (en) Category (en) Value (sl) Code (sl) Attribute (sl) Category (sl)
base b VForm Verb osnovna_oblika o oblika glagol
cardinal c Type Numeral glavni g vrsta števnik
common c Type Noun občno_ime o vrsta samostalnik
comparative c Degree Adjective primernik p stopnja pridevnik
comparative c Degree Adverb primernik r stopnja prislov
coordinating c Type Conjunction priredni p vrsta veznik
existential_there t Type Adverb there_obstoja t vrsta prislov
foreign f Type Residual tujejezično j vrsta neuvrščeno
general g Type Adverb splošni s vrsta prislov
general g Type Determiner splošni s vrsta določilnik
indicative i VForm Verb povednik i oblika glagol
list_item m Type Residual postavka_seznama z vrsta neuvrščeno
modal o Type Verb naklonski n vrsta glagol
participle p VForm Verb deležnik d oblika glagol
past s Tense Verb preteklik r čas glagol
personal p Type Pronoun osebni o vrsta zaimek
plural p Number Noun množina m število samostalnik
positive p Degree Adjective nedoločeno n stopnja pridevnik
positive p Degree Adverb nedoločeno n stopnja prislov
possesive_ending s Type Adposition svojilna_končnica s vrsta predlog
possessive s Type Pronoun svojilni s vrsta zaimek
predeterminer p Type Determiner predčlen p vrsta določilnik
preposition p Type Adposition predlog p vrsta predlog
present p Tense Verb sedanjik s čas glagol
proper p Type Noun lastno_ime l vrsta samostalnik
singular s Number Noun ednina e število samostalnik
singular s Number Verb ednina e število glagol
superlative s Degree Adjective presežnik s stopnja pridevnik
superlative s Degree Adverb presežnik s stopnja prislov
symbol s Type Residual simbol s vrsta neuvrščeno
third 3 Person Verb tretja t oseba glagol
to o Type Adposition to t vrsta predlog
wh w Type Adverb wh w vrsta prislov
wh w Type Determiner wh w vrsta določilnik
wh w Wh_pronoun Pronoun wh w zaimek_wh zaimek

3.2.18. MSD Index for English

Table of morphosyntactic descriptions for English
MSD (sl) Features (sl) MSD (en) Features (en) TreeTagger Description Examples of use
So-e samostalnik vrsta=občno_ime število=ednina Nc-s Noun Type=common Number=singular NN Noun common singular time, man, way, head, something, hand, room, door, nothing
So-m samostalnik vrsta=občno_ime število=množina Nc-p Noun Type=common Number=plural NNS Noun common plural eyes/eye, people, things/thing, ‘i, years/year, men/man, feet/foot, hands/hand, words/word
Sl-e samostalnik vrsta=lastno_ime število=ednina Np-s Noun Type=proper Number=singular NP Proper noun singular Harry, Langdon, Ron, Dumbledore, Sophie, Hermione, Samad, Archie, Stefan
Sl-m samostalnik vrsta=lastno_ime število=množina Np-p Noun Type=proper Number=plural NPS Proper noun plural Dursleys/Dursley, Harrys/Harry, Fords, Brothers, States, Jews, Muslims, Catholics, Americans
G-o glagol oblika=osnovna_oblika V-b Verb VForm=base VB Verb, base form be, have, see, do, go, get, know, tell, take
G-is glagol oblika=povednik čas=sedanjik V-ip Verb VForm=indicative Tense=present VBP Verb, non-3rd person singular present do, are/be, have, ‘re/be, ‘m/be, know, ‘ve/have, think, am/be
G-iste glagol oblika=povednik čas=sedanjik oseba=tretja število=ednina V-ip3s Verb VForm=indicative Tense=present Person=third Number=singular VBZ Verb, 3rd person singular present is/be, ‘s/be, has/have, does/do, says/say, ‘s/have, knows/know, seems/seem, comes/come
G-ir glagol oblika=povednik čas=preteklik V-is Verb VForm=indicative Tense=past VBD Verb, past tense was/be, had/have, said/say, were/be, did/do, looked/look, came/come, thought/think, seemed/seem
G-ds glagol oblika=deležnik čas=sedanjik V-pp Verb VForm=participle Tense=present VBG Verb, gerund or persent participle going/go, looking/look, being/be, trying/try, doing/do, coming/come, taking/take, sitting/sit, saying/say
G-dr glagol oblika=deležnik čas=preteklik V-ps Verb VForm=participle Tense=past VBN Verb, past participle been/be, got/get, seen/see, come, done/do, gone/go, made/make, left/leave, taken/take
Gn glagol vrsta=naklonski Vo Verb Type=modal MD Modal verb could, would, will, can, ‘ll/will, must, should, might, ‘d/will
P-n pridevnik stopnja=nedoločeno A-p Adjective Degree=positive JJ Adjective other, little, good, last, old, long, own, great, first
P-p pridevnik stopnja=primernik A-c Adjective Degree=comparative JJR Adjective comparative more, better/good, worse/bad, further, less, older/old, easier/easy, lower/low, younger/young
P-s pridevnik stopnja=presežnik A-s Adjective Degree=superlative JJS Adjective superlative least, most, best/good, worst/bad, greatest/great, latest/late, nearest/near, oldest/old, highest/high
Rsn prislov vrsta=splošni stopnja=nedoločeno Rgp Adverb Type=general Degree=positive RB Adverb not, n’t, then, now, so, just, back, as, again
Rsr prislov vrsta=splošni stopnja=primernik Rgc Adverb Type=general Degree=comparative RBR Adverb comparative more, later, better/well, longer, less, earlier, further, closer, sooner
Rss prislov vrsta=splošni stopnja=presežnik Rgs Adverb Type=general Degree=superlative RBS Adverb superlative most, best/well, least, hardest, earliest, highest, Worst
Rt prislov vrsta=there_obstoja Rt Adverb Type=existential_there EX Existential “there” there, There
Rw prislov vrsta=wh Rw Adverb Type=wh WRB Wh-adverb when, where, how, why, How, whenever, wherever, whereby, Whenever
Zo zaimek vrsta=osebni Pp Pronoun Type=personal PP Personal pronoun he, I, it, you, they, she, him, we, them
Zow zaimek vrsta=osebni zaimek_wh=wh Ppw Pronoun Type=personal Wh_pronoun=wh WP Wh-pronoun (what, who, whom) what, who, What, whom, whoever, whomever
Zs zaimek vrsta=svojilni Ps Pronoun Type=possessive PP$ Possessive pronoun his, her, my, their, your, its, our, yours
Zsw zaimek vrsta=svojilni zaimek_wh=wh Psw Pronoun Type=possessive Wh_pronoun=wh WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun whose
K-g števnik vrsta=glavni M-c Numeral Type=cardinal CD Cardinal number one, two, three, four, One, five, ten, hundred, six
Dp predlog vrsta=predlog Sp Adposition Type=preposition IN Preposition or Subordinating conjunction of, in, on, with, for, at, that, as, from
Ds predlog vrsta=svojilna_končnica Ss Adposition Type=possesive_ending POS Possesive ending ‘s, ’s/’s
Dt predlog vrsta=to So Adposition Type=to TO “to” to, To, TO
Is določilnik vrsta=splošni Dg Determiner Type=general DT Determiner the, a, this, that, an, no, all, some, any
Iw določilnik vrsta=wh Dw Determiner Type=wh WDT Wh-determiner (which, that as a rel. pronoun) that, which, whatever, what, whichever
Ip določilnik vrsta=predčlen Dp Determiner Type=predeterminer PDT Predeterminer all, such, half, All, quite, Quite
Vp veznik vrsta=priredni Cc Conjunction Type=coordinating CC Coordinating conjunction and, but, or, both, nor, yet, neither, either, &
L členek Q Particle RP Particle out, up, down, off, over, around, on, away, in
M medmet I Interjection UH Interjection yes, oh, Well, No, Yeah, no, please, ah, well
Nj neuvrščeno vrsta=tujejezično Xf Residual Type=foreign FW Foreign word de, etc., me, la, le, en, se, masse, di
Nz neuvrščeno vrsta=postavka_seznama Xm Residual Type=list_item LS List item marker 1, b, c, 2, f, 5, d, 3
Ns neuvrščeno vrsta=simbol Xs Residual Type=symbol SYM Symbol
Source: http://nl.ijs.si/spook/msd/html-en/msd-en.html

English corpora

Sketch Engine offers dozens of English corpora.
