A tagset is a list of part-of-speech tags (POS tags for short), i.e. labels used to indicate the part of speech and sometimes also other grammatical categories (case, tense etc.) of each token in a text corpus.

MULTEXT-East Morphosyntactic Serbo-Croatian Specification version 6 is a part-of-speech tagset specification for a macro language Serbo-Croatian covering the languages of Croatia, Serbia, Bosnian and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. This specification is used for PoS tagging of Bosnian corpora in Sketch Engine, e.g. MaCoCu Bosnian Web Corpus.


Tomaž Erjavec. MULTEXT-East. Handbook of linguistic annotation, 1: 441-462, 2017.
  author={Erjavec, Tomaž},
  journal={Handbook of linguistic annotation},

An Example of a tag in the CQL concordance search box[tag="N.*"] finds all nouns, e.g. godina, bih (note: please make sure that you use straight double quotation marks)


3.8.1. Introduction to Serbo-Croatian Specifications

These specifications collate data on Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian language, in particular the manually annotated Croatian and Serbian SETimes datasets; a collection of tweets; and the Serbian and Croatian inflectional lexica hrLex and srLex.

3.8.2. Serbo-Croatian Category Index Table of categories

CATEGORY (en) Value (en) Code (en) Attributes
CATEGORY Adjective A 7
CATEGORY Pronoun P 6
CATEGORY Adposition S 1
CATEGORY Conjunction C 2
CATEGORY Numeral M 6
CATEGORY Particle Q 1
CATEGORY Interjection I 0
CATEGORY Abbreviation Y 0
CATEGORY Residual X 1
CATEGORY Punctuation Z 0

3.8.3. Serbo-Croatian Noun

 Specification for  Serbo-Croatian Noun
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
1 Type common c
proper p
2 Gender masculine m
feminine f
neuter n
3 Number singular s
plural p
4 Case nominative n
genitive g
dative d
accusative a
vocative v
locative l
instrumental i
5 Animate no n
yes y

3.8.4. Serbo-Croatian Verb

Specification for Serbo-Croatian Verb
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
1 Type main m
auxiliary a
copula c
2 VForm infinitive n
participle p
present r
future f
imperative m
aorist a
imperfect e
3 Person first 1
second 2
third 3
4 Number singular s
plural p
5 Gender masculine m
feminine f
neuter n
6 Negative no n
yes y

3.8.5. Serbo-Croatian Adjective

Specification for Serbo-Croatian Adjective
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Adjective A
1 Type general g
possessive s
participle p
2 Degree positive p
comparative c
superlative s
3 Gender masculine m
feminine f
neuter n
4 Number singular s
plural p
5 Case nominative n
genitive g
dative d
accusative a
vocative v
locative l
instrumental i
6 Definiteness no n
yes y
7 Animate no n
yes y

3.8.6. Serbo-Croatian Pronoun

Specification for Serbo-Croatian Pronoun
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Pronoun P
1 Type personal p
demonstrative d
indefinite i
possessive s
interrogative q
relative r
reflexive x
2 Person first 1
second 2
third 3
3 Gender masculine m
feminine f
neuter n
4 Number singular s
plural p
5 Case nominative n
genitive g
dative d
accusative a
vocative v
locative l
instrumental i
6 Animate no n
yes y

3.8.7. Serbo-Croatian Adverb

Specification for Serbo-Croatian Adverb
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
1 Type general g
participle r
2 Degree positive p
comparative c
superlative s

3.8.8. Serbo-Croatian Adposition

Specification for Serbo-Croatian Adposition
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Adposition S
1 Case genitive g
dative d
accusative a
locative l
instrumental i

3.8.9. Serbo-Croatian Conjunction

Specification for Serbo-Croatian Conjunction
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Conjunction C
1 Type coordinating c
subordinating s
2 Formation simple s
compound c

3.8.10. Serbo-Croatian Numeral

Specification for Serbo-Croatian Numeral
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Numeral M
1 Form digit d
roman r
letter l
2 Type cardinal c
ordinal o
multiple m
special s
3 Gender masculine m
feminine f
neuter n
4 Number singular s
plural p
5 Case nominative n
genitive g
dative d
accusative a
vocative v
locative l
instrumental i
6 Animate no n
yes y

3.8.11. Serbo-Croatian Particle

Specification for Serbo-Croatian Particle
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Particle Q
1 Type negative z
interrogative q
modal o
affirmative r

3.8.12. Serbo-Croatian Interjection

Specification for Serbo-Croatian Interjection
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Interjection I

3.8.13. Serbo-Croatian Abbreviation

 Specification for Serbo-Croatian Abbreviation
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Interjection Y

3.8.14. Serbo-Croatian Residual

Specification for Serbo-Croatian Residual
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Residual X
1 Type foreign f
web w
emo e
hashtag h
at a

3.8.15. Serbo-Croatian Punctuation

Specification for Serbo-Croatian Punctuation
P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code (en)
0 CATEGORY Punctuation Z

3.8.16. Serbo-Croatian Attribute Index

In this section all the attributes presented in the tables are listed in alphabetical order. Table of attributes
Attribute (en) Category (en) Position
Animate Adjective 7
Animate Noun 5
Animate Numeral 6
Animate Pronoun 6
Case Adjective 5
Case Adposition 1
Case Noun 4
Case Numeral 5
Case Pronoun 5
Definiteness Adjective 6
Degree Adjective 2
Degree Adverb 2
Form Numeral 1
Formation Conjunction 2
Gender Adjective 3
Gender Noun 2
Gender Numeral 3
Gender Pronoun 3
Gender Verb 5
Negative Verb 6
Number Adjective 4
Number Noun 3
Number Numeral 4
Number Pronoun 4
Number Verb 4
Person Pronoun 2
Person Verb 3
Type Adjective 1
Type Adverb 1
Type Conjunction 1
Type Noun 1
Type Numeral 2
Type Particle 1
Type Pronoun 1
Type Residual 1
Type Verb 1
VForm Verb 2

3.8.17. Serbo-Croatian Value Index

The values presented within the tables are, in the following, listed in alphabetical order; the first column gives the name of the value, the second column its code and the third lists attributes for which the value is appropriate. Table of values
Value (en) Code (en) Attribute (en) Category (en)
accusative a Case Adjective
accusative a Case Adposition
accusative a Case Noun
accusative a Case Numeral
accusative a Case Pronoun
affirmative r Type Particle
aorist a VForm Verb
at a Type Residual
auxiliary a Type Verb
cardinal c Type Numeral
common c Type Noun
comparative c Degree Adjective
comparative c Degree Adverb
compound c Formation Conjunction
coordinating c Type Conjunction
copula c Type Verb
dative d Case Adjective
dative d Case Adposition
dative d Case Noun
dative d Case Numeral
dative d Case Pronoun
demonstrative d Type Pronoun
digit d Form Numeral
emo e Type Residual
feminine f Gender Adjective
feminine f Gender Noun
feminine f Gender Numeral
feminine f Gender Pronoun
feminine f Gender Verb
first 1 Person Pronoun
first 1 Person Verb
foreign f Type Residual
future f VForm Verb
general g Type Adjective
general g Type Adverb
genitive g Case Adjective
genitive g Case Adposition
genitive g Case Noun
genitive g Case Numeral
genitive g Case Pronoun
hashtag h Type Residual
imperative m VForm Verb
imperfect e VForm Verb
indefinite i Type Pronoun
infinitive n VForm Verb
instrumental i Case Adjective
instrumental i Case Adposition
instrumental i Case Noun
instrumental i Case Numeral
instrumental i Case Pronoun
interrogative q Type Particle
interrogative q Type Pronoun
letter l Form Numeral
locative l Case Adjective
locative l Case Adposition
locative l Case Noun
locative l Case Numeral
locative l Case Pronoun
main m Type Verb
masculine m Gender Adjective
masculine m Gender Noun
masculine m Gender Numeral
masculine m Gender Pronoun
masculine m Gender Verb
modal o Type Particle
multiple m Type Numeral
negative z Type Particle
neuter n Gender Adjective
neuter n Gender Noun
neuter n Gender Numeral
neuter n Gender Pronoun
neuter n Gender Verb
no n Animate Adjective
no n Animate Noun
no n Animate Numeral
no n Animate Pronoun
no n Definiteness Adjective
no n Negative Verb
nominative n Case Adjective
nominative n Case Noun
nominative n Case Numeral
nominative n Case Pronoun
ordinal o Type Numeral
participle p Type Adjective
participle r Type Adverb
participle p VForm Verb
personal p Type Pronoun
plural p Number Adjective
plural p Number Noun
plural p Number Numeral
plural p Number Pronoun
plural p Number Verb
positive p Degree Adjective
positive p Degree Adverb
possessive s Type Adjective
possessive s Type Pronoun
present r VForm Verb
proper p Type Noun
reflexive x Type Pronoun
relative r Type Pronoun
roman r Form Numeral
second 2 Person Pronoun
second 2 Person Verb
simple s Formation Conjunction
singular s Number Adjective
singular s Number Noun
singular s Number Numeral
singular s Number Pronoun
singular s Number Verb
special s Type Numeral
subordinating s Type Conjunction
superlative s Degree Adjective
superlative s Degree Adverb
third 3 Person Pronoun
third 3 Person Verb
vocative v Case Adjective
vocative v Case Noun
vocative v Case Numeral
vocative v Case Pronoun
web w Type Residual
yes y Animate Adjective
yes y Animate Noun
yes y Animate Numeral
yes y Animate Pronoun
yes y Definiteness Adjective
yes y Negative Verb

Source: https://nl.ijs.si/ME/V6/msd/html/msd-hbs.html