A tagset is a list of part-of-speech tags (POS tags for short), i.e. labels used to indicate the part of speech and sometimes also other grammatical categories (case, tense etc.) of each token in a text corpus.
Morphological annotation in Quranic Arabic corpus is available in Quaranic Arabic corpora annotated by Language Research Group at University of Leeds.
An Example of a tag in the CQL concordance search box: [tag=”P?N”] finds all nouns, e.g. رب
Tag | Arabic Name | Description | |
Nouns | N | اسم | Noun |
PN | اسم علم | Proper noun | |
Derived nominals | ADJ | صفة | Adjective |
IMPN | اسم فعل أمر | Imperative verbal noun | |
Pronouns | PRON | ضمير | Personal pronoun |
DEM | اسم اشارة | Demonstrative pronoun | |
REL | اسم موصول | Relative pronoun | |
Adverbs | T | ظرف زمان | Time adverb |
LOC | ظرف مكان | Location adverb |
Tag | Arabic Name | Description | |
Verbs | V | فعل | Verb |
Tag | Arabic Name | Description | |
Prepositions | P | حرف جر | Preposition |
lām Prefixes | EMPH | لام التوكيد | Emphatic lām prefix |
IMPV | لام الامر | Imperative lām prefix | |
PRP | لام التعليل | Purpose lām prefix | |
Conjunctions | CONJ | حرف عطف | Coordinating conjunction |
SUB | حرف مصدري | Subordinating conjunction | |
Particles | ACC | حرف نصب | Accusative particle |
AMD | حرف استدراك | Amendment particle | |
ANS | حرف جواب | Answer particle | |
AVR | حرف ردع | Aversion particle | |
CAUS | حرف سببية | Particle of cause | |
CERT | حرف تحقيق | Particle of certainty | |
CIRC | حرف حال | Circumstantial particle | |
COM | واو المعية | Comitative particle | |
COND | حرف شرط | Conditional particle | |
EQ | حرف تسوية | Equalization particle | |
EXH | حرف تحضيض | Exhortation particle | |
EXL | حرف تفصيل | Explanation particle | |
EXP | أداة استثناء | Exceptive particle | |
FUT | حرف استقبال | Future particle | |
INC | حرف ابتداء | Inceptive particle | |
INT | حرف تفسير | Particle of interpretation | |
INTG | حرف استفهام | Interogative particle | |
NEG | حرف نفي | Negative particle | |
PREV | حرف كاف | Preventive particle | |
PRO | حرف نهي | Prohibition particle | |
REM | حرف استئنافية | Resumption particle | |
RES | أداة حصر | Restriction particle | |
RET | حرف اضراب | Retraction particle | |
RSLT | حرف واقع في جواب الشرط | Result particle | |
SUP | حرف زائد | Supplemental particle | |
SUR | حرف فجاءة | Surprise particle | |
VOC | حرف نداء | Vocative particle | |
Disconnected Letters | INL | حروف مقطعة | Quranic initials |
See more details at http://corpus.quran.com/documentation/tagset.jsp