A tagset is a list of part-of-speech tags (POS tags for short), i.e. labels used to indicate the part of speech and sometimes also other grammatical categories (case, tense etc.) of each token in a text corpus.

Latvian part-of-speech tagset is available in Latvian corpora annotated by the LV Tagger for Latvian developed by the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the University of Latvia, Institute of Mathematics and Computer science Machine learning code based on the Stanford NLP kit.  The used tagset is derived from MULTEXT-East morphological specification and it is very close to this tagset format.

An Example of a tag in the CQL concordance search box[tag="ncfsg4"] finds all common feminine singular nouns in genitive of 4th declension, e.g. pilsētas, mājas (note: please make sure that you use straight double quotation marks)

General part-of-speech tagset classification

noun n.*
verb v.*
adjective a.*
pronoun p.*
adverb r.*
adposition s.*
conjunction c.*
numeral m.*
particle q.*
interjection i.*
abbreviation y
residual x.*
punctuation z.*


P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code
1 Type common c
proper p
not applicable _
2 Gender masculine m
feminine f
not applicable _
3 Number singular s
plural p
Number-special always plural d
Number-special always singular v
not applicable _
4 Case nominative n
genitive g
dative d
accusative a
vocative v
locative l
case-special genitive only s
not applicable _
5 Declension 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
reflexive r
not applicable 0
not applicable _


P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code
1 Type main m
modal o
Auxiliary ‘to be’ c
Auxiliary ‘become’ t
Requires genitive – ‘not be’, ‘lack’, ‘have-enough’ g
phasal p
expression e
other auxiliaries a
not applicable _
2 Reflexive yes y
no n
not applicable _
3 Mood participle (for futher fetaures see the participle table) p
indicative i
infinitive n
conditional c
debitive d
imperative m
relative r
not applicable _
4 Tense present p
past s
future f
not applicable 0
not applicable _
5 Transitivity transitive t
intransitive i
not applicable _
6 Conjugation 1 1
2 2
3 3
irregular i
not applicable _
7 Person 1 1
2 2
3 3
not applicable 0
not applicable _
8 Number singular s
plural p
not applicable 0
not applicable _
9 Voice active a
not applicable 0
not applicable _
10 Negation yes y
no n
not applicable _


P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code
1 Type main m
modal o
Auxiliary ‘to be’ c
Auxiliary ‘become’ t
Requires genitive – ‘not be’, ‘lack’, ‘have-enough’ g
phasal p
expression e
other auxiliaries a
not applicable _
2 Reflexive yes y
no n
not applicable _
3 Mood participle p
indicative i
infinitive n
conditional c
debitive d
imperative m
relative r
4 Declinability declinable d
partially declinable p
undeclinable u
5 Gender masculine m
feminine f
not applicable 0
6 Number singular s
plural p
not applicable 0
7 Case nominative n
genitive g
dative d
accusative a
locative l
vocative v
not applicable 0
8 Voice active a
passive p
not applicable 0
not applicable _
9 Tense present p
past s
not applicable 0
not applicable _
10 Definiteness no n
yes y
not applicable 0


P Attribute (en) Value (en)  Code
0 CATEGORY Adjective a
1 Type relative r
qualificative f
not applicable _
2 Gender masculine m
feminine f
not applicable _
3 Number singular s
plural p
not applicable _
4 Case nominative n
genitive g
dative d
accusative a
vocative v
locative l
not applicable _
5 Definiteness indefinite n
definite y
not applicable _
6 Degree positive p
comparative c
superlative s
not applicable _


P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code
0 CATEGORY Pronoun p
1 Type personal p
demonstrative d
indefinite i
possessive s
interrogative q
reflexive x
definite g
not applicable _
2 Person 1 1
2 2
3 3
not applicable 0
not applicable _
3 Gender masculine m
feminine f
not applicable 0
not applicable _
4 Number singular s
plural p
not applicable 0
not applicable _
5 Case nominative n
genitive g
dative d
accusative a
locative l
not applicable _
6 Negation no n
yes y
not applicable _


P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code
0 CATEGORY Adverb r
1 Degree positive p
comparative c
superlative s
relative r
not applicable 0
not applicable _
2 Type time t
manner m
place p
quantative q
causative c
not applicable _


P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code
0 CATEGORY Adposition s
1 Type preposition p
postposition t
not applicable _
2 Number singular s
plural p
not applicable _
3 Case genitive g
dative d
not applicable _
4 Usable as location adverb yes y
no n
not applicable _


P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code
0 CATEGORY Conjunction c
1 Type coordinating c
subordinating s
not applicable _
2 Structure compound c
double d
simple s
repeated r
not applicable _


P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code
0 CATEGORY Numeral m
1 Type cardinal c
ordinal o
not applicable _
2 Structure compound c
simple s
not applicable _
3 Gender masculine m
feminine f
not applicable 0
not applicable _
4 Number singular s
plural p
not applicable _
5 Case nominative n
genitive g
dative d
accusative a
locative l
not applicable 0
6 Numeral order ones v
teens p
tens d
hundreds s
thousands t
millions m
billions r
not applicable _


P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code
0 CATEGORY Particle q
1 Type compound c
simple s
not applicable _


P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code
0 CATEGORY Interjection i
1 Type simple s
not applicable _


P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code
0 CATEGORY Abbreviation y


P Attribute (en) Value (en) Code
0 CATEGORY Residual x
1 Type URL u
numeral n
ordinal number o
other x
typo t
foreign word f

Source: https://github.com/PeterisP/morphology/blob/master/src/main/resources/TagSet.xml (formal XML tagset notation)


P. Paikens, L. Rituma, L. Pretkalnina. Morphological analysis with limited resources: Latvian example. In Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA), 2013. (PDF)