A tagset is a list of part-of-speech tags (POS tags for short), i.e. labels used to indicate the part of speech and sometimes also other grammatical categories (case, tense etc.) of each token in a text corpus.

This Hungarian part-of-speech tagset is available in Hungarian corpora annotated with using emMorph morphological tags.

An Example of a tag in the CQL concordance search box: tag="N:Pl:Acc" finds plural nouns in the accusative case (note: please make sure that you use straight double quotation marks)


morphological code description
Adj adjective
Adj_Abbr adjective, abbreviation
Adj_Attr attributive-only adjective
Adj_Attr_Abbr attributive-only adjective, abbreviation
Adj_Attr_Pro attributive-only adjective, pronoun
Adj_Pred predicative-only adjective
Adj_Pro adjective, pronoun
Adj_Pro_Int adjective, interrogative pronoun
Adj_Pro_Rel adjective, relative pronoun
Adj_Unit adjective, unit of measure
Adj_col adjective, color term
Adj_nat adjective, nationality/language
Adv adverb
Adv_(Adj) adverb
Adv_(Num) adverb
Adv_Abbr adverb, abbreviation
Adv_Acronx adverb, acronyn spelled out
Adv_AdjMod adverb, adjective modifier
Adv_Pro adverb, pronoun
Adv_Pro_Int adverb, interrogative pronoun
Adv_Pro_Rel adverb, relative pronoun
CmpdPfx compound prefix
Cnj conjunction
Cnj_Abbr conjunction, abbreviation
Det determiner
Det_Art:Def determiner, definite article
Det_Art:NDef determiner, indefinite article
Det_Pro determiner, pronoun
Det_Pro_(Post) determiner, pronoun, preceding (consonant-initial) postpositions
Det_Pro_Int determiner, interrogative pronoun
Det_Pro_Rel determiner, relative pronoun
Det_Pro_def determiner, pronoun
Det_Q:NDef quantificational determiner, indefinite conjugation
Det_Q quantificational determiner
Inj-Utt interjection/utterance word
N noun
Num numeral
Num_Abbr numeral, abbreviation
Num_Attr attributive-only numeral
Num_Digit numeral, written in digits
Num_Pro numeral, pronoun
Num_Pro_Int numeral, interrogative pronoun
Num_Pro_Rel numeral, relative pronoun
Num_Roman Roman numeral
N_Abbr noun, abbreviation
N_Abbr_ChemSym noun, abbreviation, chemical symbol
N_Acron noun, acronym
N_Acronx noun, acronyn spelled out
N_Ltr noun, letter
N_Pro noun, pronoun
N_Pro_(Post) noun, pronoun, preceding (consonant-initial) postpositions
N_Pro_Abbr noun, pronoun, abbreviation
N_Pro_Int noun, interrogative pronoun
N_Pro_Rel noun, relative pronoun
N_Unit noun, unit of measure
N_Unit_Abbr noun, unit of measure, abbreviation
N_lat noun, (Latin)
N_mat noun, mass noun (material)
Post postposition
Post_(Abl) postposition/adverb with complement in ablative
Post_(All) postposition/adverb with complement in allative
Post_(Ela) postposition/adverb with complement in elative
Post_(Ins) postposition/adverb with complement in instrumental
Post_(N0) postposition/adverb with bare noun complement
Post_(Poss) postposition/adverb that forms a possessive structure with its complement
Post_(Subl) postposition/adverb with complement in sublative
Post_(Supe) postposition/adverb with complement in superessive
Post_(Ter) postposition/adverb with complement in terminative
Prep preposition
Prev preverb/verbal particle
QPtcl question particle -e
Space szóköz (a helyesírási normától eltérően egybeírt szerkezetekbe beszúrva)
Supl superlative leg-
S_Abbr sentence (maybe this should be merged into Inj-Utt), abbreviation
V verb
X non-final word of a phrase in some foreign language
X_Abbr non-final word of a phrase in some foreign language, abbreviation
1Pl 1st person plural
1Sg 1st person singular
2Pl 2nd person plural
2Sg 2nd person singular
3Pl 3rd person plural
3Sg 3rd person singular
Abl ablative case suffix -től
Acc accusative case suffix -t
Ade adessive case suffix -nél
All allative case suffix -hez
AnP:Pl anaphoric possessive, plural
AnP anaphoric possessive
Cau causal-final case suffix -ért
Cond:1Sg›2 conditional, 1sg subject 2nd person object
Cond:Def:1Pl* conditional, defininite conjugation, 1st person plural (marked/rare form)
Cond:Def:1Pl conditional, defininite conjugation, 1st person plural
Cond:Def:1Sg conditional, defininite conjugation, 1st person singular
Cond:Def:2Pl conditional, defininite conjugation, 2nd person plural
Cond:Def:2Sg conditional, defininite conjugation, 2nd person singular
Cond:Def:3Pl conditional, defininite conjugation, 3rd person plural
Cond:Def:3Sg conditional, defininite conjugation, 3rd person singular
Cond:NDef:1Pl conditional, indefinite conjugation, 1st person plural
Cond:NDef:1Sg conditional, indefinite conjugation, 1st person singular
Cond:NDef:2Pl conditional, indefinite conjugation, 2nd person plural
Cond:NDef:2Sg conditional, indefinite conjugation, 2nd person singular
Cond:NDef:3Pl conditional, indefinite conjugation, 3rd person plural
Cond:NDef:3Sg conditional, indefinite conjugation, 3rd person singular
Dat dative case suffix -nak
Del delative case suffix -ról
Ela elativeive case suffix -ből
EssFor:ként essive formal suffix -ként
EssFor:képp essive formal suffix -képp
EssFor:képpen essive formal suffix -képpen
Ess essive case suffix -ül
Fam:Pl Familiar plural
Hyph:Dash word-internal puctuation: endash, emdash
Hyph:Hyph word-internal puctuation: hyphen
Hyph:Slash word-internal puctuation: slash
Ill illative case suffix -ba
Ine inessive case suffix -ban
Inf:1Pl infinitive, 1st person plural
Inf:1Sg infinitive, 1st person singular
Inf:2Pl infinitive, 2nd person plural
Inf:2Sg infinitive, 2nd person singular
Inf:3Pl* infinitive, 3rd person plural (marked/rare form)
Inf:3Pl infinitive, 3rd person plural
Inf:3Sg infinitive, 3rd person singular
Inf infinitive
Ins instrumental case suffix -vel
Loc locative case suffix -ött/-t
Nom nominative case
Pl:Poss:1Pl plural, possessive, 1st person plural
Pl:Poss:1Sg plural, possessive, 1st person singular
Pl:Poss:2Pl plural, possessive, 2nd person plural
Pl:Poss:2Sg plural, possessive, 2nd person singular
Pl:Poss:3Pl plural, possessive, 3rd person plural
Pl:Poss:3Sg plural, possessive, 3rd person singular
Pl plural
Poss:1Pl possessive, 1st person plural
Poss:1Sg possessive, 1st person singular
Poss:2Pl possessive, 2nd person plural
Poss:2Sg possessive, 2nd person singular
Poss:3Pl possessive, 3rd person plural
Poss:3Sg possessive, 3rd person singular
Prs:1Sg›2 present tense, 1sg subject 2 pers object
Prs:Def:1Pl present tense, defininite conjugation, 1st person plural
Prs:Def:1Sg present tense, defininite conjugation, 1st person singular
Prs:Def:2Pl present tense, defininite conjugation, 2nd person plural
Prs:Def:2Sg present tense, defininite conjugation, 2nd person singular
Prs:Def:3Pl present tense, defininite conjugation, 3rd person plural
Prs:Def:3Sg present tense, defininite conjugation, 3rd person singular
Prs:NDef:1Pl present tense, indefinite conjugation, 1st person plural
Prs:NDef:1Sg present tense, indefinite conjugation, 1st person singular
Prs:NDef:2Pl present tense, indefinite conjugation, 2nd person plural
Prs:NDef:2Sg present tense, indefinite conjugation, 2nd person singular
Prs:NDef:3Pl present tense, indefinite conjugation, 3rd person plural
Prs:NDef:3Sg present tense, indefinite conjugation, 3rd person singular
Pst:1Sg›2 past tense, 1sg subject 2nd person object
Pst:Def:1Pl past tense, defininite conjugation, 1st person plural
Pst:Def:1Sg past tense, defininite conjugation, 1st person singular
Pst:Def:2Pl past tense, defininite conjugation, 2nd person plural
Pst:Def:2Sg past tense, defininite conjugation, 2nd person singular
Pst:Def:3Pl past tense, defininite conjugation, 3rd person plural
Pst:Def:3Sg past tense, defininite conjugation, 3rd person singular
Pst:NDef:1Pl past tense, indefinite conjugation, 1st person plural
Pst:NDef:1Sg past tense, indefinite conjugation, 1st person singular
Pst:NDef:2Pl past tense, indefinite conjugation, 2nd person plural
Pst:NDef:2Sg past tense, indefinite conjugation, 2nd person singular
Pst:NDef:3Pl past tense, indefinite conjugation, 3rd person plural
Pst:NDef:3Sg past tense, indefinite conjugation, 3rd person singular
Punct punctuation
Sbjv:1Sg›2 subjunctive, 1sg subject 2 pers object
Sbjv:Def:1Pl subjunctive, defininite conjugation, 1st person plural
Sbjv:Def:1Sg subjunctive, defininite conjugation, 1st person singular
Sbjv:Def:2Pl subjunctive, defininite conjugation, 2nd person plural
Sbjv:Def:2Sg subjunctive, defininite conjugation, 2nd person singular
Sbjv:Def:3Pl subjunctive, defininite conjugation, 3rd person plural
Sbjv:Def:3Sg subjunctive, defininite conjugation, 3rd person singular
Sbjv:NDef:1Pl subjunctive, indefinite conjugation, 1st person plural
Sbjv:NDef:1Sg subjunctive, indefinite conjugation, 1st person singular
Sbjv:NDef:2Pl subjunctive, indefinite conjugation, 2nd person plural
Sbjv:NDef:2Sg subjunctive, indefinite conjugation, 2nd person singular
Sbjv:NDef:3Pl subjunctive, indefinite conjugation, 3rd person plural
Sbjv:NDef:3Sg subjunctive, indefinite conjugation, 3rd person singular
Subl sublative case suffix -re
Supe superessive case suffix -n
Temp temporal case suffix -kor
Ter terminative case suffix -ig
Transl translative case suffix -ké

Source: https://e-magyar.hu/en/textmodules/emmorph_codelist

Hungarian corpora

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