CHILDES corpora are comparable corpora made up from transcripts of child language. Most of these transcripts record spontaneous conversational interactions. Often the speakers involved are young monolingual children conversing with their parents or siblings. Corpora also comprise transcripts of bilingual children, older school-aged children, adult second-language learners, children with various types of language disabilities and aphasics who are trying to recover from language loss.

These corpora belong to the child language project within the TalkBank system that was created for sharing and studying conversational interactions. Current CHILDES corpora in Sketch Engine include 24 languages.

CHILDES TalkBank web page is available at

Detailed information about each corpus within CHILDES collection can be found at


CHILDES corpora are accessible to users with a paid subscription, see our price list.

The overview of CHILDES corpora in Sketch Engine

The following list of CHILDES corpora contains link(s) to the particular corpus pages with detailed information. Each corpus page has the link Download transcripts to a zip archive containing a file called 0metadata.cdc where are stored all metadata of the particular corpus.

More information can be found at (section Afrikaans)

More information can be found at

More information can be found at

  • Klammler:
  • Koroschetz:
  • Klammler:
  • Koroschetz:

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at (section Estonian)

More information can be found at

More information about particular collections can be found at:

  • Rondall
  • Vioncolas

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at


  • Klammler collection:
  • Koroschetz collection: (source: wayback machine)

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at (in the section Hebrew)

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at

  • (in the section Hungarian)
  • (MacBates collections)

More information about particular collections can be found at:


More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at (section Portuguese)

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at

More information about particular collections of the corpus can be found at (search Turkish)

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