Nynorskkorpuset: Norwegian corpus

The Nynorskkorpuset corpus is a Norweigan corpus made up of texts of the Nynorsk written standard of the Norwegian language. This corpus consists of fiction, newspaper texts, journal articles, textbook texts, religious texts and texts from the public target user. Texts cover the period from the 1870s to the present day, with the main emphasis on the last fifty years.

See more about the corpus at http://no2014.uio.no/korpuset/ (in Norwegian)

Part-of-speech tagset

The Nynorskkorpuset corpus of Nynorsk is tagged by the Brill tagger using the following PoS tagset for Nynorsk.


This Nynorsk corpus is available to users with a regular subscription.

Tools to work with the Norwegian corpus

A complete set of tools is available to work with this Nynorsk corpus to generate:

  • word sketch – Norwegian collocations categorized by grammatical relations
  • thesaurus – synonyms and similar words for every word
  • keywordsterminology extraction of one-word units
  • word lists – lists of Norwegian nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. organized by frequency
  • n-grams – frequency list of multi-word units
  • concordance – examples in context
  • text type analysis – statistics of metadata in the corpus

Search the Norwegian corpus

Sketch Engine offers a range of tools to work with this Nynorsk corpus, the New Norwegian written standard.

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