The ELEXIS funding terminated on 31 March 2022. To renew your access, take these steps»

Eligible users and usage

Eligible users

All academic institutions (universities, academies of science etc.) in the EU can gain access. ELEXIS observers, irrespective of their location, can also gain access.

The institutions must technically maintain a Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication scheme as identity providers (IP) and be affiliated with a national identity federation which is part of the eduGAIN network of identity federations. Institutions without SSO must set it up first in order to gain access.

Does this include countries of the European Economic Area which are not EU members (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) or Switzerland?


Does this include the United Kingdom?

Yes, including after Brexit.

Eligible usage

Research and teaching activities including lexicographic work whose results are not to be monetized.

Where lexicographic activities result in dictionaries to be published (in print or electronically) gaining any immediate or potential future revenues, institutions need to contact Lexical Computing to negotiate an additional payment which can be:

  • either a one-off fee
  • or a royalty from potential revenues (such as online ads or book price).

Local installations

The licensing fees for existing local installations of Sketch Engine are not covered by ELEXIS.


ELEXIS (European Lexicographic Infrastructure) logo

Horizon 2020 logo
European flag

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731015.