The ELEXIS funding terminated on 31 March 2022. To renew your access, take these steps»

In detail

The access to Sketch Engine will be funded by the EU through the ELEXIS infrastructure project between 2018 and 2022. The access is provided at no cost to the institution and the funding applies to non-commercial use only.

The funding starts on 1 April 2018 and ends on 31 March 2022.

What is ELEXIS?

ELEXIS is a project funded by the H2020 EU research programme. Its goal is to set up and provide a European lexicographic infrastructure and foster research and cooperation in lexicography and natural language processing.

The ELEXIS-funded access will only be provided to academic institutions located in the EU, as detailed on this page and the linked pages.

Does this include the complete Sketch Engine functionality?

Yes, this includes all functionality available normally to paying subscribers as of 2017 as well as that developed later in the course of the ELEXIS project.

Does this include access to all Sketch Engine corpora?

Yes, all corpora publicly available including the ones currently only available to paying subscribers.

What happens after 31 March 2022?

This information is not available yet, the terms are subject to further negotiation. In the worst case, Sketch Engine’s availability will revert to what it was before ELEXIS.

How can I benefit as an individual?

You can benefit via your institution. Enrolling your institution will provide access to you and also all your colleagues and students. Individual users are not covered by this scheme. Alternatively, you can acquire a paid individual subscription.

How are existing Sketch Engine subscriptions affected?

If you have paid for a Sketch Engine subscription and you decide to enrol in the ELEXIS-funded access, your subscription will be extended for the unused number of days after the end of the ELEXIS-funded access. E.g.: if a university has a valid subscription until the end of 2018 and switches into ELEXIS-funded access from April 1st 2018, the paid subscription will be continued on April 1st 2022 to last until the end of 2022. 


ELEXIS (European Lexicographic Infrastructure) logo

Horizon 2020 logo
European flag

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731015.