88milSMS: French text-message corpus

The French text-message corpus (88milSMS) is a French corpus made up of 88,000 authentic text messages. These text messages were received from the public between September and December 2011. The 88mlSMS French corpus also contains emoji symbols and metadata such as gender of writer, age of writer or timestamps.

More information about the corpus can be found at http://88milsms.huma-num.fr/corpus_en.html

Part-of-speech tagset

The 88mlSMS French corpus was tagged by FreeLing version 2 using FreeLing part-of-speech tagset.


This French corpus is accessible to all users with a Sketch Engine account including trial users. Corpus texts are licensed under CC-BY 4.0 licence.

Tools to work with the French 88milSMS corpus

A complete set of tools is available to work with this French text-message corpus to generate:

  • word sketch – French collocations categorized by grammatical relations
  • thesaurus – synonyms and similar words for every word
  • keywordsterminology extraction of one-word and multi-word units
  • word lists – lists of French nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. organized by frequency
  • n-grams – frequency list of multi-word units
  • concordance – examples in context
  • text type analysis – statistics of metadata in the corpus

French corpus of 88,000 SMS (88milSMS)

  • initial version of the corpus includes 88,522 text messages
  • lemmatized and part-of-speech tagged by FreeLing v2

Panckhurst R., Détrie C., Lopez C., Moïse C., Roche M., Verine B. (2014) “88milSMS. A corpus of authentic text messages in French”.

Search the French 88milSMS corpus

Sketch Engine offers a range of tools to work with this French corpus of text messages.

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